Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) The James Hutton Institute 2016-2019
# (c) University of Strathclyde 2019-2021
# Author: Leighton Pritchard
# Contact:
# Leighton Pritchard,
# Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences,
# Cathedral Street,
# Glasgow,
# G1 1XQ
# Scotland,
# UK
# The MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The James Hutton Institute
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 University of Strathclyde
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Module providing functions useful for downloading genomes from NCBI."""

import hashlib
import logging
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import traceback
import urllib.request

from namedlist import namedlist

from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import CompletedProcess
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

from Bio import Entrez  # type: ignore
from tqdm import tqdm  # type: ignore

from pyani.pyani_tools import termcolor

# Regular expression for NCBI taxon numbers
TAXONREGEX = re.compile(r"([0-9]\,?){1,}")

# Custom exceptions
[docs]class NCBIDownloadException(Exception): """General exception for failed NCBI download.""" def __init__(self, msg: str = "Error downloading file from NCBI"): """Instantiate class.""" Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class FileExistsException(Exception): """A specified file exists.""" def __init__(self, msg: str = "Specified file exists"): """Instantiate class.""" Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class PyaniIndexException(Exception): """General exception for indexing with pyani"""
[docs]class ASMIDs(NamedTuple): """Matching Assembly ID information for a query taxID.""" query: str result_count: int asm_ids: List[str]
[docs]class Classification(NamedTuple): """Taxonomic classification for an isolate.""" organism: str genus: str species: str strain: str
[docs]class DLFileData(NamedTuple): """Convenience struct for file download data.""" filestem: str ftpstem: str suffix: str
[docs]class Hashstatus(NamedTuple): """Status report on file hash comparison.""" passed: bool localhash: str filehash: str
[docs]class DLStatus: """Download status data.""" def __init__( self, url: str, hashurl: str, outfname: Path, outfhash: Path, skipped: bool, error: Optional[str] = None, ): self.url = url self.hashurl = hashurl self.outfname = outfname self.outfhash = outfhash self.skipped = skipped self.error = error
[docs]def last_exception() -> str: """Return last exception as a string.""" exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() return "".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))
[docs]def make_asm_dict(taxon_ids: List[str], retries: int) -> Dict: """Return a dict of assembly UIDs, keyed by passed taxon IDs. :param taxon_ids: :param retries: Takes the passed list of taxon IDs and calls get_asm_uids to generate a dictionary linking each taxon ID to a list of assembly IDs at NCBI. """ asm_dict = dict() for tid in taxon_ids: asm_uids = get_asm_uids(tid, retries) asm_dict[tid] = asm_uids.asm_ids return asm_dict
[docs]def set_ncbi_email(email: str) -> None: """Set contact email for NCBI. :param email: str, email address to give to Entrez at NCBI """ = email Entrez.tool = ""
[docs]def download_genome_and_hash( outdir: Path, timeout: int, dlfiledata: DLFileData, dltype: str = "RefSeq", disable_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> namedlist: """Download genome and accompanying MD5 hash from NCBI. :param args: Namespace for command-line arguments :param outdir: Path to output directory for downloads :param timeout: int: timeout for download attempt :param dlfiledata: namedtuple of info for file to download :param dltype: reference database to use: RefSeq or GenBank :param disable_tqdm: disable progress bar This function tries the (assumed to be passed) RefSeq FTP URL first and, if that fails, then attempts to download the corresponding GenBank data. We attempt to gracefully skip genomes with download errors. """ # Create logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if dltype == "GenBank": filestem = re.sub("^GCF_", "GCA_", dlfiledata.filestem) else: filestem = dlfiledata.filestem dlstatus = retrieve_genome_and_hash( filestem, dlfiledata.suffix, dlfiledata.ftpstem, outdir, timeout, disable_tqdm ) # Pylint is confused by the content of dlstatus (a namedlist) if dlstatus.error is not None: # pylint: disable=no-member logger.warning(termcolor("%s download failed: skipping!", "magenta"), dltype) logger.debug( "Exception raised:\n%s", dlstatus.error ) # pylint: disable=no-member dlstatus.skipped = True return dlstatus # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]def entrez_retry(func): """Decorator to retry the wrapped function up to 'retries' times.""" def wrapper(*args, retries=1, **kwargs): tries, success = 0, False while not success and tries < retries: try: output = func(*args, **kwargs) success = True except (HTTPError, URLError): tries += 1 if not success: raise NCBIDownloadException(f"Too many Entrez failures (limit: {retries})") return, validate=False) return wrapper
[docs]def entrez_batch(func): """Decorator to compile batches from the wrapped function into a single set of results. The entrez_batch decorator should go outside the entrez_retry decorator. """ def wrapper(*args, expected=None, batchsize=None, **kwargs): if expected is None or batchsize is None: raise ValueError("Expected result count and batchsize must be supplied") results = [] # type: List[Any] for start in range(0, expected, batchsize): # We expect a parsed output output = func(*args, retstart=start, retmax=batchsize, **kwargs) results.extend(output) return results return wrapper
[docs]@entrez_batch @entrez_retry def entrez_batched_webhistory(*args, **kwargs): return Entrez.efetch(**kwargs)
[docs]@entrez_retry def entrez_esearch(*args, **kwargs): return Entrez.esearch(**kwargs)
[docs]@entrez_retry def entrez_esummary(*args, **kwargs): return Entrez.esummary(*args, **kwargs)
# Split a list of taxon ids into components, checking for correct formatting
[docs]def split_taxa(taxa: str) -> List[str]: """Return list of taxon ids from the passed comma-separated list. :param taxa: str, comma-separated list of valid NCBI taxonomy IDs The function checks the passed taxon argument against a regular expression that permits comma-separated numerical symbols only. """ # Check format of passed taxa match = TAXONREGEX.match(taxa) if match is None or len( != len(taxa): raise ValueError("invalid taxon string: {0}".format(taxa)) return [taxon for taxon in taxa.split(",") if len(taxon)]
# Get assembly UIDs for the subtree rooted at the passed taxon
[docs]def get_asm_uids(taxon_uid: str, retries: int) -> ASMIDs: """Return set of NCBI UIDs associated with the passed taxon UID. :param taxon_uid: str, NCBI taxID for taxon to download :param retries: int, number of download retry attempts This query at NCBI returns all assemblies for the taxon subtree rooted at the passed taxon_uid. """ query = "txid%s[Organism:exp]" % taxon_uid # Perform initial search for assembly UIDs with taxon ID as query. # Use NCBI history for the search. record = entrez_esearch( retries=retries, db="assembly", term=query, format="xml", usehistory="y" ) result_count = int(record["Count"]) # Recover assembly UIDs from the web history asm_ids = entrez_batched_webhistory( expected=result_count, batchsize=250, retries=retries, webenv=record["WebEnv"], query_key=record["QueryKey"], db="assembly", retmode="xml", ) return ASMIDs(query, result_count, asm_ids)
# Get a filestem from Entrez eSummary data
[docs]def extract_filestem(esummary) -> str: """Extract filestem from Entrez eSummary data. :param esummary: Function expects esummary['DocumentSummarySet']['DocumentSummary'][0] Some illegal characters may occur in AssemblyName - for these, a more robust regex replace/escape may be required. Sadly, NCBI don't just use standard percent escapes, but instead replace certain characters with underscores: white space, slash, comma, hash, brackets. """ escapes = re.compile(r"[\s/,#\(\)]") escname = re.sub(escapes, "_", esummary["AssemblyName"]) return "_".join([esummary["AssemblyAccession"], escname])
# Get eSummary data for a single assembly UID
[docs]def get_ncbi_esummary(asm_uid, retries, api_key=None) -> Tuple: """Obtain full eSummary info for the passed assembly UID. :param asm_uid: :param retries: :param api_key: """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Obtain full eSummary data for the assembly summary = entrez_esummary( retries=retries, db="assembly", id=asm_uid, report="full", api_key=api_key ) # Extract filestem from assembly data try: data = summary["DocumentSummarySet"]["DocumentSummary"][0] except (IndexError, KeyError): # Something has gone awry with the download logger.warning( termcolor("Could not get eSummary for UID %s", "red"), asm_uid, exc_info=True, ) raise NCBIDownloadException(f"Could not get NCBI eSummary for UID {asm_uid}") filestem = extract_filestem(data) return (data, filestem)
# Get the taxonomic classification strings for eSummary data
[docs]def get_ncbi_classification(esummary) -> Classification: """Return organism, genus, species, strain info from eSummary data. :param esummary: """ # Extract species/strain info organism = esummary["SpeciesName"] try: strain = esummary["Biosource"]["InfraspeciesList"][0]["Sub_value"] except (KeyError, IndexError): # we consider this an error/incompleteness in the NCBI metadata strain = "" genus, species = organism.split(" ", 1) return Classification(organism, genus, species, strain)
# Given a remote filestem, generate URIs for download
[docs]def compile_url(filestem: str, suffix: str, ftpstem: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Compile download URLs given a passed filestem. :param filestem: :param suffix: :param ftpstem: The filestem corresponds to <AA>_<AN>, where <AA> and <AN> are AssemblyAccession and AssemblyName: data fields in the eSummary record. These correspond to downloadable files for each assembly at[AF]/nnn/nnn/nnn/<AA>_<AN>/ where <AA> is AssemblyAccession, and <AN> is AssemblyName. The choice of GCA vs GCF, and the values of nnn, are derived from <AA> The files in this directory all have the stem <AA>_<AN>_<suffix>, where suffixes are: assembly_report.txt assembly_stats.txt feature_table.txt.gz genomic.fna.gz genomic.gbff.gz genomic.gff.gz protein.faa.gz protein.gpff.gz rm_out.gz wgsmaster.gbff.gz """ gcstem, acc, _ = tuple(filestem.split("_", 2)) aaval = acc.split(".")[0] subdirs = "/".join([acc[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(aaval), 3)]) url = f"{ftpstem}/{gcstem}/{subdirs}/{filestem}/{filestem}_{suffix}" hashurl = f"{ftpstem}/{gcstem}/{subdirs}/{filestem}/md5checksums.txt" return (url, hashurl)
# Download a remote file to the specified directory
[docs]def download_url( url: str, outfname: Path, timeout: int, disable_tqdm: bool = False ) -> None: """Download remote URL to a local directory. :param url: URL of remote file for download :param outfname: Path, path to write output :param timeout: :param disable_tqdm: Boolean, show tqdm progress bar? This function downloads the contents of the passed URL to the passed filename, in buffered chunks """ # Open connection, and get expected filesize req = urllib.request.Request(url) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: fsize = int("Content-length")) # Define buffer sizes bsize = 1048576 # buffer size fsize_dl = 0 # bytes downloaded # Download file with open(outfname, "wb") as ofh: with tqdm(total=fsize, disable=disable_tqdm, as pbar: while True: buffer = if not buffer: break fsize_dl += len(buffer) ofh.write(buffer) pbar.update(bsize)
# Construct filepaths for downloaded files and their hashes
[docs]def construct_output_paths( filestem: str, suffix: str, outdir: Path ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: """Construct paths to output files for genome and hash. :param filestem: str, output filename stem :param suffix: str, output filename suffix :param outdir: Path, path to output directory """ outfname = outdir / "_".join([filestem, suffix]) outfhash = outdir / "_".join([filestem, "hashes.txt"]) return (outfname, outfhash)
# Download a remote genome from NCBI and its MD5 hash
[docs]def retrieve_genome_and_hash( filestem: str, suffix: str, ftpstem: str, outdir: Path, timeout: int, disable_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> DLStatus: """Download genome contigs and MD5 hash data from NCBI. :param filestem: :param suffix: :param ftpstem: :param outdir: :param timeout: :param disable_tqdm: Boolean, show tqdm progress bar? """ skipped = False # Flag - set True if we skip download for existing file error = None # Text of last-raised error # Construct remote URLs and output filenames url, hashurl = compile_url(filestem, suffix, ftpstem) outfname, outfhash = construct_output_paths(filestem, suffix, outdir) # Download the genome sequence and corresponding hash file try: download_url(url, outfname, timeout, disable_tqdm) download_url(hashurl, outfhash, timeout, disable_tqdm) except IOError: error = last_exception() return DLStatus(url, hashurl, outfname, outfhash, skipped, error)
# Check the file hash against the downloaded hash
[docs]def check_hash(fname: Path, hashfile: Path) -> Hashstatus: """Check MD5 of passed file against downloaded NCBI hash file. :param fname: Path, path to local hash file :param hashfile: Path, path to NCBI hash file """ filehash = "" passed = False # Flag - set to True if the hash matches # Generate MD5 hash localhash = create_hash(fname) # Get hash from file filehash = extract_hash(hashfile, # Check for match if filehash == localhash: passed = True return Hashstatus(passed, localhash, filehash)
# Extract contigs from a compressed file, using gunzip
[docs]def extract_contigs(fname: Path, ename: Path) -> CompletedProcess: """Extract contents of fname to ename using gunzip. :param fname: str, path to input compressed file :param ename: str, path to output uncompressed file Returns status of subprocess call """ cmd = ["gunzip", "-c", shlex.quote(str(fname))] with open(ename, "w") as efh: return, stdout=efh, check=True, shell=False)
# Using a genomes UID, create class and label text files
[docs]def create_labels( classification: Classification, filestem: str, genomehash: str ) -> Tuple[str, str]: r"""Return class and label text from UID classification. :param classification: Classification named tuple (org, genus, species, strain) :param filestem: str, filestem of input genome file :param genomehash: str, MD5 hash of genome data The 'class' data is the organism as provided in the passed Classification named tuple; the 'label' data is genus, species and strain information from the same tuple. The label is intended to be human-readable, the class data to be a genuine class identifier. Returns a tuple of two strings: (label, class). The two strings are tab-separated strings: <HASH>\t<FILE>\t<CLASS/LABEL>. The hash is used to help uniquely identify the genome in the database (label/class is unique by a combination of hash and run ID). """ return ( ( f"{genomehash}\t{filestem}_genomic\t{classification.genus[0] + '.'} " f"{classification.species} {classification.strain}" ), f"{genomehash}\t{filestem}_genomic\t{classification.organism}", )
# Create an MD5 hash for the passed genome
[docs]def create_hash(fname: Path) -> str: """Return MD5 hash of the passed file contents. :param fname: Path, path to file for hashing We can ignore the Bandit B303 error as we're not using the hash for cryptographic purposes. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) fname = Path(fname) # ensure we have a Path object hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() # nosec try: with"rb") as fhandle: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"Input file {fname} is not a file or symlink") raise PyaniIndexException return hash_md5.hexdigest()
# Create an MD5 hash for the passed genome
[docs]def extract_hash(hashfile: Path, name: str) -> str: """Return MD5 hash from file of name:MD5 hashes. :param hashfile: Path, path to file containing name:MD5 pairs :param name: str, name associated with hash """ filehash = None with open(hashfile, "r") as hhandle: for line in [_.strip().split() for _ in hhandle if len(_.strip())]: if Path(line[1]).name == name: # hash filename filehash = line[0] return str(filehash)