pyani report

The report subcommand reports the contents of a local SQLite3 database, located at dbpath. Output files will be written to the outdir directory.

usage: pyani report [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-v] [–debug] [–disable_tqdm] [–version]
[–citation] -o OUTDIR [–dbpath DBPATH] [–runs] [–genomes] [–runs_genomes] [–genomes_runs] [–run_results RUN_ID [RUN_ID …]] [–run_matrices RUN_ID [RUN_ID …]] [–no_matrix_labels] [–formats FORMAT [FORMAT …]]

Flagged arguments

--dbpath DBPATH
Path to the location of the local pyani database to be used. Default: .pyani/pyanidb
Disable the tqdm progress bar while the report process runs. This is useful when testing to avoid aesthetic problems with test output.
--formats FORMAT [FORMAT ...]
Space-separated list of output formats (in addition to .tab); possible values: {html, excel,stdout}. (default: None)
Report table of genomes in database. (default: False)
Report table of all runs in which each genome in the database participates. (default: False)
Turn off row/column labels in output matrix files (default: False)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Directory where output analysis reports will be written.
Report table of analysis runs in database. (default: False)
Report table of all genomes for each run in database. (default: False)
--run_matrices RUN_ID [RUN_ID ...]
Report matrices of results for space-separated list of runs. (default: None)
--run_results RUN_ID [RUN_ID ...]
Report table of results for space-separated list of runs. (default: None)
-v, --verbose
Provide verbose output to STDOUT.